Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Cell Phones

It was very interesting to learn how everyone felt about cell phones. Most of us are around the same age, which I feel reflects how we all felt similar about cell phone etiquette. I still feel like using a cell phone is a public space although I do feel many feel its private just because they are on a cell phone. I also find these people to be extremely rude. When it comes to teenagers, I do agree they have become attached to the technology. Many of them would die if they had to be away from their phone for more than 20 minutes. I also feel that it has effected the whole dating situation. Instead of calling the significant other we text instead. We lose a sense of connection by doing so.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Virtual Reality

This weeks topic was a very interesting one. The idea of people living a completely different life in virtual reality is interesting and somewhat weird. The idea of building hotels and architecture in Second Life in order to receive feedback is interesting. The idea of people using real money in order to buy Linden Dollars is a hard concept to grasp. It is a nice way for people who are intimidated or insecure in the real world to be able to communicate with others. Although I look at Second Life as something I would NOT want to be a part of, I can understand why others are intrigued.

Friday, March 6, 2009


After last classes lecture, I learned that technology can be very scary. My generation has grown up with fast moving technology, so we have yet to develop any fears. I can see where older generations were afraid of the internet and still are afraid of new technology. We are now able to do everything possible on one hand-held phone. The iphone has created so many applications, the owner doesn't even have to use their brain. Although I am very thankful for many of the technologies that made life easier, it bothers me the technology that has made life "lazy."

Monday, March 2, 2009

Reality TV

After the class lecture on how American Idol and Reality TV affects the United States, I began to think about the shows I watch. I recently became a fan of the show American Idol. This is my first season and I'm completely addicted. Shows that portray themselves as being "real" always have a catch. They are real, but directors and editors are able to manipulate the situation. Same goes for the bachelor. The way the show is edited, it's easy to think that every is sleeping with the bachelor or bachelorette and the situations are lead to believe they are falling completely in love with each other. When in reality, the show ends and the relationship never lasts.


One form of recent globalization would be the film slumdog millionaire. This film has influenced many people in America today. The film received numerous oscar awards and portrays what life is really like in the slums. The movie used real children from the slums. After the film became popular, the City of Mumbai actually bought the children and their families new homes. It is hard to understand how much a person can be affected by different civilizations without the knowledge of globalization

Friday, February 13, 2009

Media and Politics

I was surprised to find that if you change the frame of a situation you are also changing the schema. When we read about the LA Riots, it was interesting to learn that Oprah felt that the people who were causing the riots were just punks on a rampage. By her being black, she was able to take that stance. When we went through the list of causes for apathy, it was sad to see how bored people have become of politics. This past election was an exception, but for the most part constituent feel as if they have loss the popular control. Many feel that their one vote isn't going to change anything.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


This week in class, I was surprised to learn about Race. We have learned through the school systems about the racial problems the Blacks faced with the Whites. After doing the readings, I realized how our minds are effected by how the media portrays an individual. The thought has never crossed my mind that Sandra O or Michelle Kwan were a "different" race. It also embarrasses me how my white ancestors looked at blacks. The video we watched made me realize how bad it probably was during the early years. To know that blacks had to darken their skin and widen their smiles due to our portrayal of them is sickening. I do feel that blacks and other races still face racial problems, but I also feel that young children are being taught that there isn't a difference between white, yellow, and black skin!

Sunday, February 1, 2009


During the past election, we were able to see how Men and Women are viewed in the media. One of the most major things I would relate to the article, is how Sarah Palin was described as a beauty queen who used republican money to buy a new wardrobe. Palin and Clinton were both compared to one another in how they dressed. The women had to make it clear they would be strong enough to hold such a position. The men have always been shown as strong figures who can run a country. Clinton was also in a tough position due to her pubic life. She had already been the first lady, a Senator, and now was running for President. The media didn't know how to portray her. I feel as if they through out everything they already knew about her and just showed her as the first female running for president. Rather than showing all her strengths she has had in her political life.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

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